Saturday, November 20, 2010

my sweater

This is Ladybird when she was a puppy, now she is MASSIVE and weighs about 100 pounds. Today I'm out in the city with my boyfriend, I wish that I lived out here with him, hate living 30 minutes away from each other. Were going to the movies and ice skating...and more than likely food will be involved. Very excited.

Friday, November 19, 2010

6 monthz

I have to admit I probably made fun of people in the past who did things like this but now that I'm with someone that I'm completely in love with, it doesn't matter. Yes, we dressed up on our 6 months and went to Capannina on Union in the lovely SF. It was delicious and our waiter was a crack up. He made me feel like a fatty for ordering all the "big" meals, whatever a girls gotta eat.

Caesar Salad with Fresh Dungeness Crab & Croutons
Buffalo Mozzarella & Prosciutto Ravioli in Tomato Sauce
Veal Scaloppine with Lemon-Caper Sauce, Spinach & Parmesan Risotto
Braised Short Ribs with Mashed Potatoes in a Red Wine Sauce/nomz
Sicilian Style Cannoli with Espresso Creme
Another plus was that our six months was on the night that the Giants won the World Series, so the whole meal we were entertained with people screaming and honking their horns. It made a memorable night, to say the least.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

its never sunny in sanfrandisco

Lina and I went down to the beach (wouldn't necessarily call it a beach since its freezing) to take pictures of each other for our photo assn's. I obviously edited the first one to make it look like snow, because honestly it felt like we were in the himalayas...freezing. our. asses. off.


These are pictures that I had taken in the spring for a portrait assignment. Meet Ashley Zwolinski.

500 days of kittys

I will always be a cat person and it makes me so sad that me and Baxter Henry can no longer do this. Why you ask? Because my mother decided to get not one but TWO chihuahuas. Now don't get me wrong, they're cute; but I hate them. Pippin is a yapper and never shuts up and Daisy is just jealous. Why can't they just be quiet and cute like my precious kitty?

lets grow fat together

I know that I've been sort of a loser lately since all I care to do is spend time with you. My grades aren't as good as they have been in the past and my friends probably all think I'm super lame. But I don't mind as long as I have you. I wuv you punkin and I'm sorry that you're broke since all I do is eat.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010